
When to correct

The table below indicates the types of corrections that must be applied depending on the desired end use for your image.

Type of use Geometric correction Radiometric correction Atmospheric correction* Other corrections**
Wall hanging / quick look
Link to field, spatial, GIS data
Biophysical maps e.g. Temperature
Link to field reflectance data, change detection
Improved accuracy of above

* Atmospheric correction can be relative (dark pixel correction) or absolute (physics based correction).

** Other corrections include removal of bidirectional reflectance, sun glint, cross track illumination, water interface, and depth correction.


Joyce, K., Phinn, S. and Roelfsema, C. (2005) The Costs and benefits of image acquisition and pre-processing for coral reef remote sensing. Backscatter - Journal of the Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing, 16(1):23-26.