Correcting for air-water interface

Air-water interface: Refraction of light at the air water interface varies according to wavelength.
Effect of the air-water interface:
- light changes direction at air - water interface (refraction)
- varies according to wavelength
- correction can be achieved by:
- literature values (Andrefouet et al 2001)
- modelled (Kirk 1994, Pope and Fry )
Andréfouët, S., F. Muller-Karger, E. J. Hochberg, C. Hu and K. L. Carder (2001). "Change detection in shallow coral reef environments using Landsat 7 ETM+ data." Remote Sensing of Environment 79: 150 - 162.
Kirk, J. T. O. (1994). Light & Photosynthesis in Aquatic Ecosystems, 2nd ed. New York, Cambridge University Press: 509.
Pope, R. M. and E. S. Fry (1997). "Absorption spectrum (380-700 nm) of pure water. 2. Integrating cavity measurements." Applied Optics 36(33): 8710-8723.