
Radiometric corrections

Convert relative digital-number to at-sensor radiance

Conversion to at-sensor radiance
Raw spectral signature (digital numbers) Physical unit of measurement spectral signature (spectral radiance [watts/m2.μm])

Conversion to at-sensor radiance is needed in pre-processing if the image is to be used for:

  • Calculation of biophysical variable is required (e.g. temperature, absorption)
  • Multi-date mapping of biophysical variables
  • Using field measured spectral-signature libraries to process data

Converts relative sensor measurement (digital-numbers) to an absolute physical unit of measurement AT THE SENSOR: (e.g. spectral radiance [watts/m2.μm] ).

Conversion equation is established for each band(λ) pre-launch and in some cases updated post-launch: At-sensor spectral radiance λ = [gain λ * DN λ] + offset λ