Optical properties

In some cases, information describing the optical properties of the at the bottom of the atmosphere are collected. These data are collected to quantify absorption and scattering properties of light climates under various atmospheric conditions, and can also be used for physics based mapping approaches.

Sensor required to measure depth profiles of optical properties are:

  • up- and down-welling radiance and irradiance
  • Spectral absorption and scattering
  • Sun photometer
Measuring optical water properties
Instruments measuring the down-welling irradiance.
Weather station and sun photometer setup


Brando, V. E., J. M. Anstee, M. Wettle, A. G. Dekker, S. R. Phinn and C. Roelfsema (2009). "A physics based retrieval and quality assessment of bathymetry from suboptimal hyperspectral data." Remote Sensing of Environment 113(4): 755-77

Mobley, C. D. and L. K. Sundman (2003). "Effects of optically shallow bottoms on upwelling radiances: Inhomogeneous and sloping bottoms." Limnology and Oceanography 48(1): 329-336